Gas power generation solution for oil and gas field drilling rig gasification Market

As the key link of energy consumption in the oil and gas exploitation industry, drilling engineering urgently needs to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emission. According to statistics, the fuel consumption of drilling power equipment accounts for more than 30% of the drilling cost. Among the three major fossil energy sources: coal, fuel oil and natural gas, natural gas has obvious environmental protection and price advantages, Using natural gas to generate power partially or completely replace diesel will play a good role in reducing cost and increasing efficiency, and effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Site layout 1. The distance between the gas supply station and the wellhead shall not be less than 30m, the distance between the gas supply station and the place where open fire and cremation are emitted shall not be less than 20m, the distance between the gas supply station and the power house shall not be less than 15m, the distance between the gas supply station and the boiler room shall not be less than 15m, and the distance between the gas supply station and office and living buildings shall not be less than 18m. 2. The distance between LNG tank cars (storage tanks) and diesel tanks shall not be less than 10m, CNG tube bundle cars shall not be less than 4m, the distance between LNG tank cars (storage tanks) shall not be less than 2m, and CNG tube bundle cars shall not be less than 1.5m. 3. The gas supply station shall be arranged at the downwind of the prevailing wind in the well pad, and shall avoid the area directly opposite to the downwind of the wellhead. 4. The gas supply station shall not be arranged at the communication line and overhead power line. 5. When the vent line and natural gas transmission pipeline cross, they shall be effectively isolated. 6. The engine workplace and gas supply station shall be well ventilated. 7. The distance between the equipment in the gas supply station should be convenient for connection, vehicle change and LNG recoil pressure. 8. The location of the gas supply station shall be convenient for the tanker to enter, load and unload.