Our major science and technology projects passed the mid-term performance evaluation

On November 29, 2021, the Department of science and technology of Sichuan Province organized experts to conduct a meeting and on-site mid-term evaluation and inspection on the project of "research and application of key technologies of hydrogen fuel cell passenger cars" in Sichuan Province. The meeting was presided over by the major special department of Sichuan Provincial Department of science and technology, and many well-known experts from Sichuan University, University of Electronic Science and technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Sichuan automotive engineering society, Southwest Chemical Research and Design Institute, Chengdu University of information engineering and other units participated in the evaluation. After inquiry and discussion by the evaluation experts, the expert group fully affirmed the completion and achievements of the project, considered that the project fully completed the mid-term evaluation indicators required in the assignment, achieved fruitful research results, and unanimously passed the mid-term performance evaluation. The project has set up five topics according to the five directions of R & D: fuel cell bus, fuel cell system, fuel cell bus evaluation, hydrogen filling and hydrogen production. Sichuan Jinxing clean energy equipment Co., Ltd. undertook the research on "hydrogen injection". In view of the urgent demand of hydrogen energy industry development for hydrogen compressor in hydrogenation station, the company, together with industry, University and research units such as Tsinghua University, Sichuan University and Xihua University, carried out performance research on key components of hydrogen compressor in hydrogenation station, such as multi field coupling compression, high-pressure seal and hydrogen environment, and broke through key technologies such as oil-gas coupling compression, high-pressure precision diaphragm design and process, 7 invention patents and 2 software copyrights were applied for. It took the lead in successfully developing a diaphragm hydrogen compressor for 35MPa hydrogenation station. The overall technology of the product has reached the international level of similar products. At present, the product has been demonstrated and applied in many hydrogenation stations in Sichuan, Chongqing and Hunan to realize domestic substitution. "JXG - Ⅱ 45MPa diaphragm hydrogen compressor" developed by the company was jointly recognized by Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission and Sichuan Provincial Department of finance as the first domestic product (set) of major technical equipment in Sichuan Province in 2020. In recent years, the company has focused on the development of hydrogen energy equipment and management and control system, carried out close cooperation with universities and scientific research institutes, strengthened key core technology research, improved manufacturing quality, efficiency and core competitiveness, formed an industrial chain service capacity from hydrogen production to hydrogenation, and became an excellent service provider in the field of hydrogen energy utilization with strong comprehensive strength and among the best in China