Processing technology of liquefied natural gas BOG under different conditions-2

4 energy consumption analysis of bog treatment process Based on the actual operating equipment parameters and process data records of the bog treatment system in the LNG terminal, the recondensation and direct compression processes are compared, and the bog generated under different conditions is analyzed in combination with the data simulation results, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving, consumption reduction, efficiency improvement and cost reduction in an optimal way. 5 comparative analysis (1) In the LNG terminal, the greater the amount of bog generated, the lower the energy consumption of recondensation process than direct compression. However, additional cooling capacity is required to supplement the recondensation of bog. (2) The energy consumption under recondensing condition is related to bog volume, inlet and outlet pressure and export pressure. When the inlet pressure is different and the inlet and outlet pressure is the same, the compressor energy consumption decreases significantly with the increase of inlet pressure. (3) Under the same inlet pressure, with the increase of outlet pressure, the energy consumption of compressor is significantly higher than that of high-pressure pump. That is, when the pressure of the export pipeline network is high, the energy consumption of the re condensation process is lower. (4) According to the relationship between compressor outlet pressure and equipment power consumption in Table 2, the power consumption of in tank pump increases with the increase of outlet pressure, and the total power consumption of equipment is positively correlated with the outlet pressure, but the power consumption of in tank pump and high-pressure pump changes little, indicating that the increase of total power consumption is caused by the increase of compressor power consumption. 6 conclusions and suggestions: It is known from the above analysis that the following matters shall be paid attention to during actual operation and process treatment: (1) Under the condition of complete condensation of bog, the power consumption of compressor shall be reduced and the cost shall be reduced by reducing the export pressure of bog. (2) For large LNG receiving stations, when the pressure of the export pipeline network is high, the re condensation process is better than the direct compression process, and the re condensation energy consumption is lower. (3) Small satellite stations and filling stations should adopt the direct compression process with lower energy consumption, and the recondensation process has a large investment, but the energy-saving effect is not obvious. This is mainly because the small satellite stations and filling stations have a small coverage area, the pressure of the export pipeline network is small, and the bog evaporation capacity is limited. (4) Reduce bog production. Monitor the temperature of storage tank, process pipeline and wharf pipeline; Conduct on-site inspection on the insulation of pipelines and equipment, whether there is sweating, abnormal frosting, whether the insulation layer is deformed or damaged, etc., to prevent local or overall heat leakage of the pipeline from raising the pipeline temperature and increasing the bog volume of the terminal system。 Contact us:   Sichuan Rongteng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. www. E-mail: Phone/whatsapp: +86 138 8076 0589