Russian gas is important to Europe

Apart from Russia, Europe has too little natural gas from the Middle East, North Africa and the United Kingdom to compete with Russian natural gas in terms of scale and price. However, the natural gas fields in Norway and the United Kingdom, the traditional natural gas production areas in Europe, have been gradually exhausted after long-term exploitation, and their production is declining. It is simply impossible to fill the growth of natural gas demand in the European Union. More importantly, as European countries continue to increase the use of green and clean energy, natural gas is the most ideal alternative energy for oil and coal in European countries, and the demand continues to rise. It can be said that Russia plays an irreplaceable role in the EU's natural gas supply. The reason why the EU cannot import more natural gas from other countries to replace Russia: First of all, Russia has the largest reserves in the world, which enables Russia to meet the demand for natural gas in the European market. Secondly, Russia's oil and gas fields have certain geographical advantages. Compared with other countries in North Africa, Russian oil and gas fields have the advantage of being close to the market. It takes years and a lot of money to lay gas pipelines for natural gas transmission. It is not easy to change the natural gas supplier countries. If Russia cuts off the energy supply to the EU, it will have a great impact on the power and heating in Europe. Moreover, the gap in the European energy market caused by Russia's energy supply cut-off is beyond the EU countries at present. Therefore, Russia's energy cut-off will have a great impact on these EU countries. It would be "disastrous" to completely cut off Russia's energy exports. Europe cannot replace these volumes of energy in any meaningful way. "