Technologies for hydrogen production from natural gas

The most prominent feature of adiabatic conversion of natural gas to hydrogen  is that most raw material reactions are essentially partial oxidation reactions, and the speed control step has become a rapid partial oxidation reaction, which greatly improves the production capacity of natural gas hydrogen production unit. The natural gas adiabatic conversion hydrogen production process uses cheap air as the oxygen source. The designed reactor containing oxygen distributor can solve the hot spot problem of catalyst bed and the reasonable distribution of energy. The reaction stability of catalytic materials is greatly improved due to the reduction of hot spot in bed. The small-scale on-site hydrogen production of natural gas adiabatic conversion hydrogen production in hydrogenation station can better reflect its strong production capacity. The new process has the advantages of short process and simple operation unit, and can significantly reduce the investment and hydrogen production cost of small-scale on-site hydrogen production unit. Partial oxidation of natural gas to hydrogen. Compared with the traditional steam reforming method, the catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to syngas consumes less energy and uses extremely cheap refractory to stack the reactor. However, the catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to hydrogen increases the expensive investment and oxygen production cost of air separation unit due to a large amount of pure oxygen. High temperature inorganic ceramic oxygen permeable membrane was used as a reactor for catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas, and cheap oxygen production was combined with catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas to hydrogen at the same time. The preliminary technical and economic evaluation results show that compared with the conventional production process, the unit investment will be reduced by about 25-30% and the production cost will be reduced by 30-50%. High temperature cracking of natural gas to produce hydrogen. Hydrogen production from natural gas pyrolysis is the catalytic decomposition of natural gas into hydrogen and carbon at high temperature. This process is considered to be a transitional process between fossil fuels and renewable energy because it does not produce carbon dioxide. Liaohe Oilfield has extensively carried out a lot of research work on hydrogen duction from high temperature catalytic cracking of natural gas. The carbon produced can have specific important uses and broad market prospects. Hydrogen production by autothermal reforming of natural gas. Compared with the reforming process, the process changes external heating to self heating, and the utilization of reaction heat is more reasonable. The principle is that the exothermic natural gas combustion reaction and strong endothermic natural gas steam reforming reaction are coupled in the reactor, and the reaction system itself can realize self heating. In addition, since the strong exothermic reaction and strong endothermic reaction in the autothermal reforming reactor are carried out step by step, the reactor still needs high-temperature stainless steel pipe as the reactor, which makes the natural gas autothermal reforming reaction process have the disadvantages of high unit investment and low production capacity.