The recovery process of light hydrocarbons from associated gas in oil fields (2)

3) Natural gas refrigeration system

1) Process description

After dehydration and dust filtration, the natural gas enters the heat exchanger and the temperature drops to ~7 °C before entering the propane refrigeration system. The temperature drops to -33 ° C~ before entering the low-temperature separator. The gas phase return of the low-temperature separator and the heat exchanger are heated to ~ 13 °C, and the liquid phase enters the NGL tower after throttling.

2) Design parameters

Feed gas processing capacity:                       70 × 104 Nm3/d

Working pressure                                             3.5MPaG

Inlet temperature                                               ~7 ℃

Outlet temperature                                           ~ - 33 ℃

4) NGL tower system

1) Process description

The hydrocarbons coming out of the low-temperature separator enter the NGL tower after decompression. The top of the tower is natural gas with heavy hydrocarbons removed, and the bottom of the tower is heavy hydrocarbons.

2) Design parameters

NGL tower working pressure                          1.0MPa G

5) heavy hydrocarbon storage system​

1) Process description

Product: NGL

2) Design parameters

NGL storage tank

Working pressure                                             1.0MPa G

Design temperature                                          100 ℃

Volume                                                               50 m 3

6) Sewage storage system​​

1) Process description

Sewage storage.

2) Design parameters

sewage storage tank

Working pressure                                             Normal pressure

Design temperature                                          80 ℃

Volume                                                               50 m 3

In addition to the technological aspects, the recovery of light hydrocarbons from associated gas also has environmental benefits. By recovering NGL and LPG, the amount of methane and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere is reduced, contributing to efforts to mitigate climate change. Furthermore, maximizing the recovery of valuable components from associated gas helps in reducing waste and optimizing the use of natural resources.

In conclusion, the recovery of NGL and LPG from associated gas in oil fields is a critical process that not only adds value to the gas stream but also contributes to energy security and environmental sustainability. With the use of advanced technologies such as cryogenic processing and absorption, the industry continues to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of NGL and LPG recovery, ensuring that valuable resources are not wasted and that environmental impacts are minimized.